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About Our Club

The Club was founded in May 1993 to attract metal detectorists that reside in an area of Yorkshire known as Wharfedale and Airedale, hence the name. We also attract detectorists from the Pendle district of Lancaster as we are the only club now serving the area close to the county boundary.
We are a very active club with many different levels of experience within our ranks. Meetings take place on the first Tuesday of the month at 7.30 pm in the Addingham Memorial Hall, Addingham. Please see "How to find us".

The benefits of membership include access to club sites, club library, club outings and "Find of the Month" competitions which leads to the " Find of the Year" contest. This contest is light-hearted but stirs up a lot of enthusiasm amongst the members. Guest speakers are also invited to give talks on subjects related to our hobby.

Membership of the club is only available to members of the Federation of Independent Detectorists (FID) or The National Council of Metal Detectorists (NCMD). Both these organisations carry third party insurance which is a pre-requisite for club membership. The club secretary has the necessary joining forms for both the FID and NCMD.

Prospective members of the club go on a six month probationary period. During this time we ask you to attend three club meetings. The minimum time requirement to fulfill the membership criteria is just three months, after which you can apply for full membership.

This probationary period helps both the club and you, as it allows the club members to get to know you before you are accepted as a member. In turn, you can get to know the members and the club's structure to decide if it suits you. By this process we have a good body of dedicated and enthusiastic members.

Please note: The Club is currently full and there are no vacancies for membership.

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